- 18 -                     TORNA ALL'INDICE   

old mac donald


Old Mac Donald has a farm             e - i, e - i, o.
And on the farm he has a DOG       e - i, e - i, o.

There's a woof woof here
and a woof woof there
here a woof there a woof
everywhere a woof woof.

Old Mac Donald has a farm         e - i, e - i, o.
And on the farm he has a CAT     e - i, e - i, o.
There's a miao miao here
and a miao miao there
here a miao there a miao
everywhere a miao miao.
woof woof here...

Old Mac Donald has a farm       e - i, e - i, o.
And on that farm he has a PIG   e - i, e - i, o.
There's an oink oink here
and an oink oink there
here an oink there an oink
everywhere an oink oink.
Miao miao here and a miao miao there…
Woof woof here...

Old Mac Donald has a DONKEY
Old Mac Donald has a TURKEY
Old Mac Donald has a DUCK